- Read “The Numerati” article (hope
it is as interesting as it sounds…)
- Read “Big Data and You”
- Read “Demystifying Big Data”
- Read “Advertisers get a Trove of
Clues in Smartphone”
- Read “World’s Most Valuable
I've put a lot of time in over the last week getting caught up on the materials for this class.
"Introduction," in The Numerati, pp. 1-16
I found the “Numerati” article
intriguing – and far too familiar. Lately, the national conversation has
centered around Federal Government tapping records from wireless carriers,
adding just one more piece of data to the already collected and analyzed
thousands of other pieces. This article really underscored to me the near
futility of maintaining privacy in today’s information age. At least for now,
much of the data about individuals is somewhat siloed. The author paints a
brief picture of how weaving his Visa and Tivo and Cellular location together
paints a pretty clear picture of his last 24 hours. But for now, or at least as
far as we are aware, that data cannot easily be stitched together on the
average law-abiding individual. If it could, anonymity and privacy would truly
become a thing of the past. As Apple and Google both move forward on
applications that allow use of your credit cards through their own networks and
devices, we're one step closer to unifying identifiable data, a scary
proposition for anyone concerned about privacy.
Big Data Infographic:
Wow thanks for the great infographic.